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vascular resistance中文是什么意思

用"vascular resistance"造句"vascular resistance"怎么读"vascular resistance" in a sentence


  • 血管抵抗力
  • 血管阻力


  • Pvr pulmonary vascular resistance
  • Results and conclusion : inhaled iloprost can reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and delay the development of primary pulmonary hypertension
  • This effect has been hypothesized to occur through an initial reduction in sympathetic outflow from the central nervous system with its associated decrease in vascular resistance , followed by a peripheral vascular receptor mediated increase in vasoconstriction ( 1 , 4 )
    该作用被假设发生,通过对来自于中枢神经系统的交感系统的最初抑制,伴有相关的血管阻力的降低,并伴随着外周血管受体介导的血管收缩的增加[ 1 , 4 ] 。
  • Since lots of factors such as pumping blood ability of heart , heart rate , vascular resistance , flexibility of main artery and big artery , body blood capability and hemal physical state can be reflected by blood pressure , it is of great importance to be one physiological parameter for body cycle system enginery
    <中文摘要> =血压是反映心脏泵血功能、心率、血管阻力、主动脉和大动脉的弹性、全身血容量及血液粘滞性等生理参数的重要指标,是反映人体体循环系统机能的重要生理参数。
  • On the basis of the estimated intake of electrolytes , it is hypothesized that low urinary potassium and phosphate , taken together with hypercalciuria , are developmental factors contributing to the rise of blood pressure with age , by increasing peripheral vascular resistance ; low magnesium and calcium intake contribute as major exogenous factors
用"vascular resistance"造句  


Vascular resistance is a term used to define the resistance to flow that must be overcome to push blood through the circulatory system. The resistance offered by the peripheral circulation is known as the systemic vascular resistance (SVR), while the resistance offered by the vasculature of the lungs is known as the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).
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